​C 83 Block 4 FB Area karimabad karachi


Parent Training Program

Our services extend to the families and loved ones of individuals with Autism & Slow Learner because in our eyes, no one is left behind. 


Raising awareness and spreading the correct information through mass channels and events, because in society everyone is held accountable. 


Working with healthcare to ensure individuals with Autism receive excellent quality services at affordable costs. 


Aiming to unleash the potential of children and adults with Autism and Slow Learners through vocational training delivered by experts of the field. 


Working on both ends, with children with Autism & Slow Learners and mainstream schools, delivering training to ensure a seamless integration, because every child has the right to education. 


Surmounting developmental milestones with tailor made occupational, physical, psychological, and remedial and speech therapies to pave the way for independent living. 


Paid Internship Program is designed to increase the pool of qualified professionals in the field of remedial education for children with Autism and Slow Learner. 

We Believe

All young children with Autism & Slow Learners and their families have a right to high expectations, dignity, respect, and opportunity in an educational program that is geared to their unique and individual needs. Organizations serving young children should work together to achieve a unified system of support and services. Every child communicates and can learn and grow. Self-determination and education should be child/family-driven to the fullest extent. Research and our experiences show that the more children and their families are involved in their future, the better it will likely be. Each child's experience of disability is unique. Our work is urgent, and early access to services and interventions is critical. We value parents' and families' unique and necessary expertise about their children. Well-trained and well-prepared early childhood workforce is able to individualize instruction to meet the needs of Autism & Slow learners.