​C 83 Block 4 FB Area karimabad karachi


Welco​​me to Means Institution​!

A project of Means Welfare Society for children with Autism and Slow Learners. 
(Means Welfare Society, which is an apolitical, self-government charity welfare organization registered under society Act).  
Means Institution is devoted to children with Autism and Slow Learners
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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.

What is Means Welfare Society (MWS)? 

The Means Welfare Society (MWS), a non-profit organization, was launched in December, 2018 by the passionate individuals who due to limited support and resources available locally, realized a need for a platform for those with Autism & Slow learners.

"​Helping those in need, creating a brighter tomorrow"

"​​Lending a helping hand brings joy to all"

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